Custom Union Embroidery
An experienced union staff, an efficient production process, state-of-the-art equipment.
We are a union embroidery shop, a proud member of Allied Printers Union, and look forward to providing you with all of your embroidery needs.
As a union company, we guarantee products made from the best quality supplies in the United States, by the most skilled artisans. By choosing to bring your embroidering needs to a union printing shop, you are supporting an establishment that provides above-standard working conditions and employs skilled workers. Your business allows us to support our local community and the U.S. economy.
Along with providing exceptional embroidery and customer care by happy union employees, Shirt Co. is a leading provider of both retail and contract union embroidery services. We are also centrally located in the country, which is an added bonus for quick turnaround times on your next order no matter where it’s headed. We are always looking for ways to make things easier for our customers.
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